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[text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]You should have an email from us in your inbox, from the email address marcosavellan@marcosavellan.com

Because of all of the SPAM that has been circulating the internet, email service providers have been very strict in blocking emails – even the ones you ask for!

If you didn’t receive it or you just want to make sure you receive ALL my emails, you will want to “whitelist” my email address. Be sure to add marcosavellan@marcosavellan.com as a trusted sender or a contact in your address book. If you do not receive an email within a few minutes, make sure to check your SPAM folder as sometimes our emails are miscategorized.

We occasionally send out special offers – and each form of contact gets different offers. So the more ways we have of contacting you – the more different offers you can pool together! You haven’t joined FFA yet or even paid us a dollar – and we are already giving you hundreds of dollars worth of stuff! Not including our free trial and its corresponding free products – from the comfort of your home, you will be receiving TWO Videos ($50 value) and coupons that can save you hundreds of dollars![/text_block]

Give us a chance – you have nothing to lose!


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