November 6

Rousey’s mother on her plans to prolong fight with Correia: “She doesn’t want me to.”


Women’s mixed martial arts top fighter Bethe Correia has said some words that she might regret.

Everyone is getting ecstatic as the upcoming fight between bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey and contender Bethe Correia comes closer. Trash talk between both camps are getting sizzling hot as well. But with all the trash talk Correia has been lashing out to Rousey, the statements that she said last May struck Rousey the most. She said that she hoped Rousey will not kill herself after losing the fight. Rousey’s father committed suicide when she was little, and because of what Correia said, Rousey promised that Correia’s beating will be a long and painful one.
Although Correia apologized after releasing this statement, Rousey remained firm about her plans on prolonging the fight. Rousey’s last three winning fights have ended impressively quick, with a combined ninety-six seconds all in all. With this fight though, it may take a different ending.

In a recent interview, however, Rousey admitted that her mother is not liking the idea of prolonging the MMA fight.

correiaEven though Rousey promised her mother that she will not take any beating and that she’s going to be fine, her mother still insists that Rousey has to end the fight as quickly as possible. “She doesn’t want me to,” she said. “If it goes any longer, it’s just because I’m punishing her (Correia) more. I’m not going to purposely not finish her if I see something,” she further added. Even though her mother does not approve, she says she really wanted to prolong the fight and make the ending more exciting.

After Rousey wins the fight with Correia, she says she is planning to take a week off, and then she will start with her MMA training in preparation for the trilogy fight with Miesha Tate. In the meantime, she is just appreciating the fact that she is part of a serious change on how the world views women’s sports. Rousey has recently won ESPY’s Best Female Athlete and Best Fighter, beating out Floyd Mayweather Jr. and other well-renowned athletes.

Rousey said she thinks the right term for what’s happening right now is cultural revolution and she’s proud to somehow be a part of it. However, with the tight schedule that she has, Rousey admitted that she does not have the time to take it all in yet. “After the ESPY’s I had to go right home and make my training camp. I really was not allowing myself to enjoy it until after I beat Bethe. Then I’ll have one week to kind of revel in everything, and then I kind of have to reset and start the cycle over again and get ready to beat Miesha,” she explained.

Rousey revealed that there were times when she spaces out and relishes all the wonderful things that are happening to her right now, but then she had to really put an effort into getting back into the zone and focus on the things that she needs to get done. “The last piece of this challenge is that I’m going to beat Bethe in the most fantastic and entertaining way possible, and then I can think about how great things are. Then I can think about the next step,” she further added.


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